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Naked to White:

1:  Complete understanding of the rules and basic tenants of Gor.


2:  Proper way of entering a home:  Performing Tiles, begging to enter and greet.
3:  Proper Greeting Order:    Ubar - Council of High Caste - Keepers -All Free Males - All Free Females - slaves.                   
4:  The following positions:   Tiles - Female Submission -Tower - Nadu - Heel - Display - Capture - Collar - Crawl - Display - Hair - High Harness - Heel - Leading - Lesha - Nestle - Table - High Harness - Kneel to the Coffel - Kneeling to the Whip - Prostrate (suga) - Run - She Quadruped - Standing - Standing High Bracelets - She-Sleen - Slavers Kiss - Slave Lips - Sula - sula-Ki
5:  Read books 1 - 11 of the Gor Series

White to Yellow:

1:  Knowledge of 4 drinks and what they are served in: Blackwine - Ka-la-na - Paga - Ale.                                          


2:  Simple Food serves:   Fruits - Breads - Pasteries 
3:  Must be able to serve all drinks, a complete knowledge of whether to serve them hot or cold, and what they are served in.


4.  Must be able to serve all foods, a complete knowledge of how they are prepared and served.                                     


5:  Read books 12 - 23 of the Gor Series


Yellow to Red:

1:  Must be familiar with the five High Castes and their colors.


2:  Must be familiar with serving members of the Black Caste (Assasins).


3:  Must perform all Gorean Dances and one Original Dance.


4:  Read books 23 - 33 of the Gor Series


Red to Passion:

1:  Must have knowledge of all Gorean drinks, how they are served and what they are served in.


2:  Must have knowledge of all Gorean Foods, how they are prepared and served and able to put together full course meals.


3:  Must have knowledge of All Gorean Positions


4:  Must be able to perform all traditional Gorean Dances and all Original Dances upon command.


5:  Must have knowledge of all Gorean Castes, Flora, Fauna,  Currency, Slave Types and attire, various  Gorean  regions.


6:  Must be adaptable to serving in different regions of Gor i.e Tuchuck Camps, Torvaldsland Keeps,  Tahari Desert Tents, Private Homes and Taverns.


7:  Must Have all reading of the Gor Series completed.


8:  Must have at least 10 years of consecutive service on Gor in either an Online RP or RL setting.

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